
Metronome (video still)Metronome (video still)

A multimeter cinemajunkie journeys to the depths of his cranium (and beyond!) in search of the greatest lowest common denominator of them all.

“In his latest work METRONOME, Daniel Cockburn merges the aesthetics of his Toronto predecessors Mike Hoolboom and Steve Reinke in order to weave a compelling tale of domestic routinization that is equal parts hilarious and heartening.” – James Missen, Available Light Screening Collective, Ottawa

A multimeter cinemajunkie journeys to the depths of his cranium (and beyond!) in search of the greatest lowest common denominator of them all. Using rapid-fire voiceover and the polyrhythms of Hollywood to provide a guided tour of preset looped imaginings, Metronome sets out to prove that it’s easier than you might think to keep the same beat all day. Enlightenment through aggravation. Predetermined stream-of-consciousness at 144 bpm. Pass-the-god-damn-butter.

Awards: Images Festival Homebrew Award
Media City Jury Prize Best Canadian Film/Video/Installation